eSports Betting Tips

eSports betting tips

In this world, everything starts with learning from simple things to more complex ones. You cannot become a doctor without training or excel in physics if you do not know at least the basic laws of the universe. The same rule applies to gamble – you can expect winnings, but you will never get them until you know the basic principles of the game and learn how to place a bet on your money and not lose everything you have. This is essential for building a sustainable base of continued success. We can even say that basic knowledge is what distinguishes an expert from an amateur.

If earlier it was customary to keep silent about eSports or write critical articles, now the situation has changed dramatically. For a couple of tens of dollars, friendly online competitions in Dota 2 have turned into thousands of arenas where millions of prize pools are raffled off.

Electronic competitions are predicted to grow staggeringly – compared to 2012, when 58 million people followed eSports, by 2022 the number of fans will grow to one-third of a billion. The colossal influx of new viewers and fans, especially in the current 2023, has created a new niche for bookmaker activities. New lines and rules have emerged that are gradually shifting the stakes in traditional sports games from the top lines.

Play bet and win

If you want to make money from eSports betting, you need to use a certain strategy. How to make it happen? To do this, you need to master how to correctly place bets on eSports online betting, so that it gives results and benefits. Experts have long ago prepared a huge list of tips, thanks to which it will be possible to effectively make money with the help of knowledge about your favorite game. The main tip is to choose the right bookmaker. You need to choose a bookmaker with a low margin to get the highest odds. Also, the bookmaker should not restrict the players who win. This will allow you to do as many eSports online betting as you like. These are the basic requirements for any bookmaker. Parimatch is one of the few online betting sites on the Indian betting market that follows these principles. You can bet more here than at any other bookmaker. And no matter how much you win, you can keep betting. 

Another important tip is to use the stacking method. To place bets, you need money. It may sound simple, but taking care of your money is an important part of betting. The best way to optimize your bankroll is to use the staking method. Depending on the strategy you choose, you will determine what kind of player you are.

Do your research before betting is also one of the main tips in the eSports bet tips guide. Bet on what you know. This may be one of the most obvious tips when we talk about betting profits, but don’t forget about it. The more you know about something and analyze, the more likely it is that your decisions will be more informed. 

The law of information can also be attributed to betting advice. As mentioned, by researching a specific game, team, or market, you can find out the right time to place your bet. This is the best betting strategy for professionals and for players who still don’t have their own betting system. Team news shows us an example of working this tip. Let’s say you know that the team will not play with its strong players in the next match and therefore has fewer chances of winning. By betting on their opponents in time, you will get the best odds, since later the bookmaker will reduce the odds in today’s match. If you do this consistently, you will get good profits in the long run.

Small events – big wins, this is also important to remember! Usually, small and unimportant competitions are ignored by new players, but they are the most efficient and best betting system. They think that the biggest odds await them at the international championship. However, the fact remains: the smaller the event, the greater the chances that the bet will work. Also, during international and other major tournaments, bookmakers set the odds that suit them to earn as much as possible through the event. The number of participants is also higher, which is another reason why your potential winnings will decrease. But neither the bookmakers nor most of the players are interested in small competitions. Try some of the local tournaments that are ignored by betting enthusiasts and you will see how much one bet can bring you.

Best eSports betting tips in 2023

The audience of e-sports in 2023 is about 600 million. Fans of e-sports are the most active users of various products and services. Hence the huge interest of bookmakers in e-sports betting. The popularity of esports has also increased in 2023 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now all bettors have moved to esports. The best tips for betting on esports in 2023 also remain the ones given above in this article. The only piece of advice I would like to add is: don’t buy match-fixing. They are, but there are very few of them, and each of them is tracked by the organizers of the competition and you can find them on the website.

Free betting tips for Dota 2

Sports betting serves several purposes. If you want to get extremely sharp emotions, then most predictions are made for luck. But if you plan to get the maximum profit, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the available information on the chosen discipline!

There is no clear favorite in Dota 2 that sweeps away everyone else. The strongest teams are included in the TIR-1 category, which constantly participates in major tournaments. To be aware of all the changes in the category, it is better to analyze and study the large resources dedicated to esports! The basic rule of dota2 betting tips is that you shouldn’t play all-in. It is advisable to bet in parts – this will allow you to save the deposit for future bets.

Also, a Combination is the best strategy for the winner. It is advisable to use the classic schemes in combination – bet a little, look at the draft, and do catch up. If there is confidence in the good shape of a particular performer, then you can count on the fact that he will continue to shine.

Statistics in Dota allows you to look at the game more broadly. Don’t skimp on Meta and winrate analysis for certain heroes. It is advisable to purchase Dota 2 Plus – a resource that provides a database of heroes and matches. The system helps to identify errors and calculate pre-match and in-play averages. It’s also important not to neglect the Meta. Meta affects players. A good understanding of the features of the patch will give you a better understanding of the game, heroes, drafts, and other important points.

Free betting tips for CS GO

Betting on CS: GO is gaining more and more popularity, they are now accepted in almost all bookmakers, as well as betting site and India is no exception. At the moment, CS: GO is one of the most popular esports disciplines. Tournaments of various sizes are held throughout the year. Almost every country has its teams. A huge number of sponsors pay for the competition or even hold their own. The largest leagues have a prize pool of over $ 1,000,000. Thanks to the abundance of championships and streaming, you can place bets on CS: GO at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to tell about CS: GO betting tips.

First: understand the game. Those who thoroughly know all the nuances of the game can skip this point. For everyone else: find out what a map pool is, an eco round, a strong point on the map, a major, how many rounds it takes to win, when overtimes are played – in general, to understand all the nuances of the game, as in any sport you bet on, softly speaking will not be superfluous.

Second: interpret the statistics correctly. Now, game statistics, the history of past matches, and other statues are not difficult to find. Do not be lazy, look at how the teams have been playing lately, what cards they have in the pool, on which they are stronger / weaker. Here it is also important to understand this nuance: always look with whom exactly the team played.

Third: you need to know the strong and weak cards of the teams. We suppose that everyone who bets on cs: go will agree with us, knowing how well a team plays on certain cards is a very fat plus, for the likelihood of not being beaten when betting.

Fourth: news from the camp of teams sometimes plays a very important role. For example, player transfer. Take football, for example, if in one offseason a bunch of new star players comes to the average team, the bookmakers cannot help but react to this, and naturally, the odds for matches with her participation will initially be more underestimated in her direction than before.

Likewise, in CS: GO, it is necessary to follow the reshuffles (permutations) in the teams, this is where you can get an advantage over the bookmakers, more accurately assessing how the teams’ chances will change in the upcoming games, taking into account the changes in the rosters.

It is also useful to sometimes read interviews of players, coaches, managers of organizations at least fluently.